Hot and tall beauty Anushka has a better scope to perform in Hari directed Surya starrer latest release ‘Singam’ unlike her earlier flick ‘Vettaikaran’, where she has scope to perform and it’s wasted. Anushka is been looking good and sizzled on the screen with her glamorous looks and costumes in Singam. But, the censor board seems to be not very kind to her.
Anushka has sizzled on the screen by wearing micro-mini in a song in Stole My Heart… but, the censor board has masked that with the “Rainbow colour mask”. Like wise in the dream song En Idhayam… that was shot in the exotic locales of Muscat, Anushka was shown with the close up of her cleavage but it was also masked by the censor.
Sources say that ‘Singam’ was certified with U/A, but it would have given ‘A’ if these shots has been passed. So, for this the producers of the film were forced to mask these Anushka’s sizzling scenes.
Anushka has sizzled on the screen by wearing micro-mini in a song in Stole My Heart… but, the censor board has masked that with the “Rainbow colour mask”. Like wise in the dream song En Idhayam… that was shot in the exotic locales of Muscat, Anushka was shown with the close up of her cleavage but it was also masked by the censor.
Sources say that ‘Singam’ was certified with U/A, but it would have given ‘A’ if these shots has been passed. So, for this the producers of the film were forced to mask these Anushka’s sizzling scenes.
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