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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin: Getting Along!

We know it's what you're supposed to do, and you really shouldn't give a man credit for it, but we're talking about Levi Johnston, so standards are low.
For the first time, Levi has made on-time child support payments to his baby mama Bristol Palin ... for two consecutive months. Downright respectable!
Even more shocking? Both sides finally getting along.
Ever since Levi paid his $21,000 debt to Bristol earlier this year, lawyers for both confirm he followed up with $1,750 in support for both March and April.
Moreover, sources connected to both Levi and Bristol Palin, who have long been at odds, say the two young Alaskans are being civil towards one another.
Actually supporting your kid will do that!

Levi during his fake engagement to Bristol at the 2008 RNC.
The daughter of Sarah Palin, Bristol has primary custody of 1-year-old Tripp, but is even allowing Levi to spend time with their son "whenever Levi wants."
Levi has been taking her up on the offer, too.
Next up? Bristol and Levi are planning to sit down for private mediation to work out the rest of the kinks in their custody battle, mainly money issues and visitation schedules, before they're due back in court to settle things come September.
We're happy for them, and for Tripp. But a little sad for us, because they're threatening to become downright normal, civil and cordial exes at this rate.
We'd miss the old Levi Johnston.


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