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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Weight Loss Tips from Hollywood actress Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson transparent viewPamela Anderson is a very strict vegetarian who does not eat red meat, chicken, pork, fish or seafood. Pamela became a vegetarian in her early teens, after walking into a shed in her backyard and seeing her father cut the head off a deer he had just hunted and killed. She has been a PETA member and ardent supporter of animal rights since high school.

After learning that KFC’s chickens have their beaks seared off with hot blades and that they are sometimes scalded alive in slaughterhouses, Pam penned a letter to priszm brandz, KFC’s parent company in her homeland of Canada, demanding that the company eliminate the worst abuses of chickens at the factory farms and slaughterhouses that supply KFC’s restaurants internationally. More than a year and a half later, priszm’s CEO John Bitove finally replied, with a sleazy, insulting letter filled with KFC’s usual lies and half-truths. Pam fired back with a letter of her own, pointing out that she won’t be satisfied until KFC agrees to adopt PETA’s recommended animal welfare program.

When Pam heard that NASCAR racer Dale Earnhardt Jr. was driving a new car sponsored by KFC, she wrote to Earnhardt, asking him to use his clout with the company to push for controlled-atmosphere killing of chickens, which she describes in her letter as “a painless process that puts chickens to sleep and is a huge improvement over the current method of hanging the birds up by their broken legs, slitting their throats, and often scalding them while still fully conscious and able to feel pain.”

Pam has also lent her famous face to PETA’s efforts by appearing in a high-profile billboard campaign. The billboard, which will be running throughout the U.S. and around the world, calls on consumers to boycott KFC until the company agrees to make the much-needed animal welfare improvements that PETA has recommended. Pamela has also narrated a video illustrating just how horribly KFC treats chickens, which PETA is running as a 30-second commercial on TV and radio stations across the country.

Pamela also has a few tricks to help her stay on her strict diet. She chews sugar-free gum while she's cooking for friends to stop her picking at the ingredients.


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