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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Kirk Abella Philippines actor shot dead at Kirk

Kirk Abella is a Philippine actor who is acting in a British movie by name 'Going Somewhere'.

philippines-actor-shot-dead-at-kirkThe movie is being shot in both Philippines and Britain. In the movie Kirk is supposed to play the role of a gunman.

TO make a scene realistic, the director of the movie asked Kirk to go to an area at the night and pose as a gunman.

And Kirk went to an area at night in the Cebu city of Philippines and moved there suspiciously. Suddenly he took out a fake gun in a mock style and tried to sped off.

But a watchman who was present there mistook him to be a real gunman and tried to chase them. When Kirk did not stop, the watchman shot dead at Kirk!

Immediately the shocked film unit and director rushed to the scene. But Kirk was already dead much to their dismay.

This incident sent shockwaves throughout Philippines.


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