The tennis star of India who made the city of Hyderabad proud is Sania Mirza. Though her career as a singles player has not taken off well, she has been doing well in mixed doubles internationally. Sania is married to Pakistan cricketer Shoaib Malik and is living happily in Dubai. But here is some byte.
It is heard that recently Sania had purchased a property somewhere near Jubilee Hills and she had tied up with another celebrity to open a coffee shop kind of thing. Recently the announcements etc were also made across various media channels. However, everything went silent and quiet.
Well, the property that Sania had bought has now landed in a dispute and it is heard that the matter has gone to the court. As of now, buzz is that nothing much can be done by her to work things out and all of us know how the legal process works. We have to wait and see how this one gets settled.
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