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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy Birthday to Kamal Sir by Cine Clouds Team

Kamal Haasan has asked his members and card holders of his welfare association to refrain from celebrating his birthday which falls on November the 7th. He has conveyed this in his message dated 4th November, 2008. He has mentioned, “I do understand your eagerness to celebrate November 7th which happens to be my birthday. I beseech you to refrain from such celebrations. An individual’s birthday loses credence or importance when genocide is practiced in our neighboring island with renewed vigor. Human civilization is only 10,000 year old. It is not a job completed but work in progress.

Wars around the world are clear indications o this fact. Language, colour, creed & caste can no more be based as excuses for Intolerance. I am not qualified to offer solutions to the Srilankan problem, Nevertheless, I am sensible enough to refrain and restrain you from celebrations when your neighbors are helpless spectators to genocide and mass funerals. Please redirect your energies and enthusiasm towards human compassion on November 7th instead. Many are dying for a reason so unbelievably simple. They speak the same language “Tamil” as I do. If my birthday can be used as a tiny fulcrum to leverage public opinion against this genocide apart from the honour of gaining your love, I would have one more reason to be proud of my birth.”


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